Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesdays (The pictures are in reverse order and I don't know how to fix it, sorry)

Tuesdays are very interesting days, especialy this Tuesday. So, I wanted to let everyone know what my Tuesdays are like. Here are pictures from throughout my day, start to finish. It begins with me biking to school with my neighbor. Then, I go to the kindergarten for 1 hour. The kids are insane, but it is fun. I don't think I could last for more then an hour there, it is just a little to crazy. Then, I have sewing for 3 hours. We were working on small test shirts today, and mine is almost finished. After that, it is lunch time. The food isn't amazing, but that is to be expected, it is school food after all. Then, I have chinese class in the library, the giant elevator-less building in the picture. Then I had free study time, so no pictures.
After biking home, I go to dinner with my host mom and dad. Tonight, we went to Japanese food. The food pictured is what I ordered, beef and rice. The desert was a rice ball. It was all really delicious.
Then, we went to a Rotary gathering to celebrat the Mid Autumn Festival tomorow. It was awsome, their was great food, fireworks, and nice people. In the final picture, my host dad is on the far left, my host mom is on the right, the man next to her is one of their friends, and his daughter is standing behind him. The girl infornt of me is another one of their friend's daughters.


  1. Hiya Jenn! Liz, Darby, Shay and Tori here.
    Cool! your Tuesdays sound much cooler than over here.
    What are Rice balls? Exactly what they sound like, or no?
    Guess what(I know there should be a question mark here, but it is fun to annoy Tori) Paula's now serves chocolate mousse. IT IS FREAKEN AWSOME.
    No one in woodshop has managed to cut off their fingers yet. I think some of them are trying, though. (Freshmen).

    I got my driver's license!

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. That rice ball looks really good! Is it similar to that stuff at Chinese restaurants with ice cream inside? Mochi, or something?

    Updates from home:

    - Meghan got her driver's license yesterday!
    - It's been cooler the last couple of days (mid-70s), but it's supposed to get back into the 80s. Darn.
    - School is very boring compared to your awesome sewing/cooking/kindergarten helping school.
    - We all miss you!!!

    (I would give you an AMOR update, but I haven't been able to go for a couple of weeks, so I really don't know what's going on lol.)

    Have a great rest of your week! And post more pictures!
