Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Schools Out!

No more waking up early. No more getting home at five. My sleep cycle is gretly improved. I miss my friends, but I have another final final day on Thursday. I've already gone to Taizhong to hang out with one of my friends. Unfortunatly most of my other plans have been postponed. It starts raining cats and dogs at around noon everyday. My chinese teacher and I are going out to dinner tonight. Not sure where yet. Getting my stuff packed up id proving to be a challange. I seem to have accumulated a large ammount of stuff. A lot of it seems to be stuff people have given me. THough most of the stuff is just my stuff. I'll figure out a way to get ride of what I don't need before I leave. I get back on July 9th. I only want family to meet me at the airport. (H can come too) I'll need a few days of rest before I'm prepared to go out into the world again, but it shouldn't take too long. I love you all, thanks for everything. You're amazing.

Zai Jian!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is my final week of school. It is a bit sad. It is also rather boring. Many of my classes have been cancled because my classmates have to study for final exams. This means I spend a lot of time in the library. It isn't horrible, but it will be nice when school ends. Last weekend I went with one of my classmates to the Taizhong art museum. It was interesting. We saw an exhibition of Marc Chagall. Next weekend I'm heading back to Taizhong to hang out with some of my friends. I don't have a lot planed for after school ends, but something should come up. I'll probably go to Taipei once or twice. Thank you for all of your love and support.

Zai Jian!

If you have any questions, please ask.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My weekends are full for at least the next 2 weeks. Next week I'm going to the Taipei National Art Museum with a classmate, the week after I'm going to Taichung to hang out with some friends. It should be fun and I'll deffinetly bring my camera. I'm not to thrilled about the long train rides, but as long as I have a fully charged mp3 player, I should be fine. School has been keeping me bussy enough. I only have a week more of classes untill I can finnaly start sleeping in. Not much to report this week. The next post should be a lot longer. Thank you for all your love and support.

Zai Jian!

P.S. Mom, if the giant desk in my room happened to be ubducted by one of the boys, I wouldn't mind. It is just taking up space.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I had a great time. It was fun to hang out with the other exchange students and to chat. School is going well, but it was nice to have a week off. I got an e-mail and it looks like my flight will leave Taipei on the 9th of July at 4:40 pm and arrive 2:05 pm in L.A. Then I have a flight to Sac. Yah. Time travel. Sweet. Okay, I'm tired. This was my first day back at school and I spent a lot of time sewing. Love you all!

Zai Jian!