Monday, February 7, 2011


These are most of the pictures I took so far. My host family went to Taidong. It is on the other side of the island, so the car ride around the lower tip was quite long. It is weird to think of this place as an island. It was the first time I saw the ocean since my plane landed, I wish I could have stayed longer. The other pictures are from a dinner with my host dad's family (The trip to Taidong was my host mom's family). The Jeeps are included because we rode around the sand dunes in them. We had a profesional driver, and it felt a lot like what I imagine those poor people in Josh's racing games must feel like. It was fun, wild, and exciting, and I would definitley do it again. Love you! Thanks for everything!

Zai Jian!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time!

    Some news from my end: Our family decided that we're going to host a Japanese exchange student next month. She'll be here for 2 months, and she'll be going to Placer while staying at my house. Too bad you guys missed each other: you could have shared exchange student stories!

    -Kelsey :)
