Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Still Tired

Even though it is Teusday, I am still trying to stay awake from my weekened. Saturday was a grand adventure in Taizhong. I went with two of my friends to a museum and saw an exhibit on Hans Christian Anderson. He was the guy that wrote The Little Mermaid. Then, we went shopping. After that, we went home. Overall, we spent about ten hours out and about. Maybe two hours was spent in transit on the train. On Sunday I went to one of my friend's house. She lives in the country. We biked around and lookaed at the different fields, her farm, and some goats. It was a lot of fun, but I was exhausted. Also, Wed-Fri was a sports competition at my school. My class did very well, even though we were not the best. I have about 35 people in every class. It is a good number, but I am still having trouble memorizing names. Thank you for all of your love and support. I'm sorry I haven't add pictures recently.

Zai Jian!

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